Computer and Software Engineer.
Obtained a Computer Engineering degree at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Valencia, Spain) plus a year abroad in Rome, in the Universitá degli studi La Sapienza di Roma, via Erasmus Programme.
Currently developing patent number WO2022029351A1 for the creation of an automatic piano tuner. You can find more information about this project in this link.
I worked as a Part Time Associate Teacher at ESIC University, teaching over 50 students in the arts of Wordpress , HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript. As part of my duties, I designed the course’s curriculum and graded students based on their exam results and performance for two consecutive courses.
As a full-time consultant in Sopra Steria, I worked for the French national GRDF as the person in charge of all issues and incidents related to the production environments of an app / system that took care of the update of gas counters for clients in their gas energy network (over 11 million users). As the Responsable MCO (Maintenance des conditions operátionnelles) I:
As my company grew, I had to change my role from developer to project management and operations planning. As an operations officer, I:
I started my own company as a freelance developer. I offered my services to clients who needed software consultancy and software development.
Manager of JFLATS. A real estate asset management startup company with its own software where I:
As a part of the Talentum Startup programme by Telefónica. I worked in an entrepreneur company focused on new music bands. Bandness (the name of the startup) was a social network for indie bands to sell their songs online. I:
During this internship at ITENE while in university, I developed small mini sites for each of the company’s departments and projects
A small project backed by a large computer consumer product retailer. I developed the company's website as well as its internal internet structure and worked for them as a part-time freelance website developer using Joomla.
I worked as a freelancer developing web pages for small companies, developing their websites using mainly Joomla CMS , WordPress and vanilla HTML/CSS development that paid for my costs while studying at university.