Hamro Builder

In the context of humanitarian response to natural catastrophes and rebuilding. I volunteered in the affected regions of central Nepal after a devasting earthquake hit the country in 2015 killing over 10.000 people.


As a part of my volunteering, I helped develop a feasible prototype that would use Facebook authentication (or simple Asymmetric cryptography) as well as NCF tags and NFC reading capabilities from phones to keep track of stocking and inventory management within the different bases any NGO could have.


The idea was to develop a system that any NGO could use to keep track of their inventory at base or construction sites and to obtain real-time information and metrics on the usage of each one of their tools and inventory. The system would also have a small backend manager that interacted with the elastic search database and that would export files and inventory to an Excel spreadsheet that the NGO could then use to track inventory.


The app was designed with the capability of working offline in hand. NFC tags would be placed in the different sections of each of the NGO sites. Any staff member or volunteer could scan the NFC tag to identify what it was storing so it could update the amount stored easily and in real-time. The NGO could then use Elastic Search's Kibana to obtain metrics and work over all of the stuff they used.

Hamro Builder